Shenandoah offers a breadth of opportunities and experiences to prepare you to help others and excel in your career aspirations. 医疗保健有许多不同的领域, including emerging fields that are developing and being added to Shenandoah’s fleet of health care programs every year.
你怎样才能把你对体育的热情转化为专业呢? Check out these majors that will keep you involved in the world of athletics and land you in a successful career path!
体验世界著名的雪兰多音乐学院. 研究 with master teachers in 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, and 艺术管理. Unite with fellow artists and join an alumni family that takes center stage from Broadway to the concert halls of Europe.
College is a place to explore your options and find your passion as you try new things. Take your time and experiment at SU; then when you do decide on a major you’ll make an informed choice that’s right for you.
Shenandoah's focus on global curiosity and understanding begins the moment you arrive on campus. 每年秋季, 新生参加“走向世界:第一年研讨会”, which engages them in interactive learning and discussions about global topics.
有20多种不同的课程可供选择. 这门课让学生走出他们的舒适区, as different people with different viewpoints discuss topics from multiple perspectives.
The Pre-健康程序 is designed to help guide students develop as competitive applicants to graduate schools that match their desired profession and their academic and pre-professional profile. Pre-健康 Advising at 十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 consists of in-person advising sessions either in a group or individual setting that seek to provide guidance to students interested in pursuing a career in within the health professions.
The 早期的保证 (EA) Pathway is available to incoming freshman applicants who meet rigorous high school GPA and exam score requirements, 竞争非常激烈.
This pathway guarantees an admission interview with a Shenandoah graduate program as long as criteria are maintained during the undergraduate years.
运动训练3 + 2
职业治疗理学硕士3 + 2.5
职业治疗博士3 + 3
药学3 + 4 & 2 + 4
物理治疗3 + 3
医师助理研究4 + 2.5
公共卫生3 + 2
Students who do not qualify for consideration f或者是 早期保障途径 are welcome to pursue to the 衔接协议途径 或者是 传统的途径 给毕业的卫生专业人员.
Mba 4 + 1
Our 4 + 1 option allows business administration students to earn a Master of Business Administration with only one additional year of study.
手掌4 + 1
音乐, theatre, and dance students can earn a Master of Science in Performing 艺术 领导 & 管理课程,额外学习一年.
神性3 + 3
This is a 3+3 program provides Shenandoah Religion 专业 and/or Christian 领导 Certificate students with a six-year path to a Shenandoah Bachelors degree and Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree.
公共卫生3 + 2
Students in any Bachelor’s degree program at Shenandoah may pursue the fast-track to a Master of Public 健康 (MPH)
研究 & 出国旅行
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学’s international programs provide global experiences and study abroad opportunities that encourage students, 教师 and staff to engage in the larger community to make a difference globally.
每年春假, 谢南多厄学院选送了50名学生, 教师, and staff to international destinations to help broaden their horizons.
Participate in short-term, 教师-led, study abroad programs for academic credit! GEL trips occur for a few weeks during spring, summer, or winter break.
让出国留学成为你大学生活的亮点! 无论你去一年, 一个学期, 或者只是几个星期, 你永远不会忘记在另一种文化中的学习!
One of my most memorable experiences was in Fall 2022 when I traveled with a group of students to Venice, 意大利. 我们作为合唱团在威尼斯双年展上演出. 我能看到这么多美丽的地方,尝试这么多新的东西."
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学’s innovative iM学习 program puts state-of-the-art computing technology directly in the hands of students to enhance learning so students graduate as confident and capable users of technology. 你会在背包里放一个苹果. All students receive a Macbook Pro Retina and an iPad with an Apple Pencil. 这是我们网络学习项目的一部分.
作为全球最大的博彩平台的学生, we are lucky to have professors and other 教师 members who sincerely care about our success and growth on both a personal and academic level.”"
Jeremy Kwolek |《全球最大的博彩平台》,1924年
I cannot say enough positive things about SU's department of psychology. The professors go above and beyond for each student in their classroom and I can honestly say that the psych department here contains some of the most dedicated, 充满激情的, 是我见过的最支持我的教授. 我不仅一直感到得到了老师们的支持, but I felt more than prepared to step directly into the professional world after graduating.”
希瑟·琼斯|心理学 & 《十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐》,1922年
The education program at SU helped me acquire hands-on experience and the proper tools necessary to best meet the needs of my students in all school settings. The education professors are 充满激情的 and are ready to help whenever possible, 是什么在我的学术生涯中帮助了我. They helped me strengthen my skill set and confidence, which was a plus during my job search. I felt ready for all of my interviews, and landed the position of my dreams in my hometown!”
Katherine Hernandez Ramos |小学教育,23年
职业生涯 & 专业发展
看看谢南多校友之旅的发展历程, 阅读他们的成功故事, 看看我们将如何帮助你塑造自己的职业道路. 职业生涯 & 专业发展 works with students in all aspects of the career development process, 从选择专业到转行.