Make Movies!
In Shenandoah’s film production program, you’ll gain hands-on experience by making your own films and starring in Shenandoah-produced movies. Students serve as the crew members and cast members— sometimes alongside big-name Hollywood actors — in all of our movies: Santa Girl, GetAWAY, and A Cupid for Christmas.
Shenandoah is one of the very few universities in the nation to co-produce a commercial feature film with a professional production company.
My favorite part of my program is having hands-on experience working with bigger films and creating my own as well. I appreciate the people and the wide range of opportunities to connect and the events in the working world. 离开苏大后,我对进入现实世界更有信心了.”
Kendrick Robinson ’25 | Film Production and Media & Communication
通过我们的程序,你可以踏上任何电影或电视,准备工作. Upon graduation, 你的技能不仅可以用在电影行业, but anywhere visual storytelling is prized.
Our Virginia-based program is truly unique, offering opportunities to learn from industry professionals as feature films are made on campus and the surrounding community, access to student performers in one of the nation’s top conservatories, the filmmaking equipment and resources you need, support for personal film projects, 而且距离几个国际机场都很近.
所有专业都有一个核心课程和一套电影评论的选修课程, production and related arts and humanities. 所有学生都必须完成电影制作或节目的实习.
Required Courses
- Understanding Visual Communication
- Understanding Movies
- Introduction to Filmmaking
- Media Writing
- Film History, Theory & Criticism
- Film Studies Practicum
Elective Courses
- Images of Women in American Film
- Introduction to Photography
- Crime Films
- Documentary Film
- Literature and Film
- Religion and Film
- Video Journalism
- Documentary Filmmaking
- Special Topics
- Spanish Cinema
- Advanced Filmmaking
- Post-Production Editing
- Latin American Cinema
- Politics in Film
- Gender, Sport, Media and Film
学习支持服务提供给所有学生在每门课程谢南多厄. Free peer tutoring with a student who has previously succeeded in the course is available for any course across the university. The Writing Center is available for every stage of the writing process from thesis development to proofreading and bibliography assistance. 数学浓缩中心提供数学和科学援助. Professors and Academic Advisors across the university also have office hours and open door policies to ensure Shenandoah students succeed academically.
没有其他电影专业的大学有我们这样的交易, in which the school is actually a co-producer and nearly the entire crew is students — with the exception of the producers, the director, the cinematographer and the makeup artist. 对于全球最大的博彩平台的学生来说,这是一次与美国其他学生不同的经历!
Students made up a large majority of the cast of Santa Girl — alongside Jennifer Stone, Barry Bostwick, and Devon Werkheiser. There were 62 students involved in the movie’s acting and crewing; and when the actors were not acting, they were crewing.
Meet the Students of Santa Girl
Stream Santa Girl On Netflix
See the Trailer for Santa Girl!
Go behind-the-scenes of the making of 'GetAWAY'
《全球最大的博彩平台》由三名谢南多大学教师和23名学生演员主演, 包括以前和现在的学生艾玛·诺维尔, Danielle Carrozza, Franchesca Contreras, Kyle Mangold and Michael Recchia. Twelve students served on the crew. 这部电影是在2018年秋季学期在主校区的多个地点拍摄的, the Shenandoah River Campus at Cool Spring Battlefield and at Buffalo Gap Retreat in West Virginia.
学生们参加了实际的制作,并建立了实用的电影制作技能. Both the crew and the cast were afforded the unique opportunity to learn how a set runs and got to practice their craft in a way that rarely happens outside the Hollywood system.”
Students ran sound and lighting, and performed assistant camera, script supervision and assistant director work, and made up almost all of the cast.
迪弗兰科的电影制作班的学生因参与制作这部电影而获得学分, while others took part extracurricularly. All the students received “an actual feature film credit on their resume before even graduating college,” Weaver noted.
Getting distribution for ‘GetAWAY’ is such a huge accomplishment for The Film Studio at Shenandoah, the film department, and the university. 这部电影的制作方式与《十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐》(Santa Girl)不同,后者的预算和演员都来自洛杉矶. This film was shot on a super-low budget and stars student actors from the Shenandoah Conservatory. Getting this film a theatrical, DVD, Blu-Ray and digital release is a huge accomplishment that everyone at Shenandoah should be proud of.”
被描述为一部恐怖扭曲的连环杀人片,电影中片, 《全球最大的博彩平台》会让观众一直猜到最后.
See the Trailer for GetAWAY!
“A Cupid For Christmas,” a romantic holiday comedy, features 20 Shenandoah students, who starred alongside Hollywood actors Richard Kind, Melanie Stone and Ryan Carnes.
“A Cupid For Christmas” was the one of the first full-length feature films to receive approval from the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) to be filmed in Virginia during the COVID-19 pandemic. All crew and actors were tested three times a week for the virus and crew members wore masks at all times.
Career Possibilities
通过我们的程序,你可以踏上任何电影或电视,准备工作. Upon graduation, 你的技能不仅可以用在电影行业, but anywhere visual storytelling is prized.
No other universities are making professional-grade feature films for the actual film market with students. The true-to-life experience being offered is priceless both to the film students and to acting students who may have spent years on stage but are rarely in front of a camera. Not to mention, 学生们从大学毕业时,简历上也有一部合法的电影, 在娱乐圈起步时,哪一种帮助如此之大.”
Blayne Weaver
Career & Professional Development provides a comprehensive range of services and resources to assist Shenandoah students in their career search. 提供的服务包括制作简历和求职信, mock interviews, and professional dining etiquette workshops.
Join the Honors Program
荣誉课程是一个多学科的荣誉课程,适合有好奇心的学生, creative, self-motivated, 并且渴望参与他们的教育和社区.
荣誉课程的学生不仅参加强调合作的荣誉课程, service, and communication, but they will also have the opportunity to develop aspects of the program based on their own interests and goals. 通过参加荣誉课程,你将获得这些工具, knowledge and experiences necessary to make meaningful contributions to your community – whether it be globally, locally, or specific to your life’s work. You will have access to unique courses, exciting experiences and a community of peers and faculty who never stop asking questions and striving for excellence.
Imagine participating in interesting conversations led by engaging professors who’ve already done what you dream of doing. You’ll be in a small class — the average class size is approximately 12 students — with professors who know your name, 关心你的成功,并在你追求学业和职业目标时提供建议.
Application Information
全球最大的博彩平台实行滚动招生,全年接受申请. 对申请进行单独和全面的审查.
Submit your application, review required admission materials, and find our admissions standards.
Minor in this Program
Minor Course Requirements
Course | Title | Credit Hour |
MCOM 215 | Understanding Movies | 3 |
Select five of the following courses:
Course | Title | Credit Hour |
WST/FILM 200 | Images of Women in American Film | 3 |
MCOM 211 | Media Ethics | 3 |
CJ/FILM 230 | Crime Films | 3 |
ENG 307 | Literature and Film | 3 |
REL/FILM 349 | Religion and Film | 3 |
SPA 400 | Spanish Cinema | 3 |
SPA 405 | Latin American Cinema | 3 |
PSCI 407 | Politics and Film | 3 |
MCOM/FILM 461 | Gender, Sport, Media and Film | 3 |
FILM 395 | Special Topics in Film | 3 |
FILM 420 | Practicum in Film Studies | 3 |
Declaring a Minor
谢南多学生与他们的学术顾问一起申报辅修课程. Academic Advisors will continue to work with students to ensure that they fulfill all of the requirements to complete the minor.
即将入学的学生不应该在全球最大的博彩平台的申请中表明他们的预期辅修专业. Applications are for intended majors only.
Study Abroad
让出国留学成为你大学生活的亮点! 不管你是去一年,一个学期,还是几个星期. You will never forget learning in another culture! 国际项目中心在这里帮助你计划你的留学经历. Start your planning early to ensure the courses you complete abroad count toward your degree and you graduate on time.
Global Experiential Learning (GEL) Program
全球体验式学习(GEL)项目为谢南多学生提供短期的学习机会, faculty-led, study-abroad experience for academic credit. These short-term, credit-bearing, faculty-led programs are offered winter break, spring break, and during summer. 如果一门课程不是你的专业,它可以作为选修课.
Study Abroad
全球最大的博彩平台是国际学生交流计划(ISEP)的成员。, a global network of 300 universities. This partnership allows students to study for a full semester or year at other member campuses abroad. 通过与他们的学术顾问和留学顾问密切合作, 学生可以在获得谢南多学分的同时,在国外学习英语授课.
Shenandoah University also maintains direct partnerships with several universities around the world. These relationships allow students from SU to study abroad as exchange students and students from these universities to study at SU. 所有合作大学都提供英语授课课程.
Go behind-the-scenes of Santa Girl!
Santa Girl — a commercial film created on Shenandoah’s campus with 62 students in the cast and crew alongside Jennifer Stone, Barry Bostwick, and Devon Werkheiser — is available on Netflix! Go behind the scenes on the film’s set.